Who We Are

About Us > Who We Are

Who We Are

WOMEN’S LAND LINK AFRICA (WLLA) is a multi partner multi level initiative designed to provide a common platform for organizations working to promote and protect women’s access to, control over and ownership of land.

The WLLA Initiative works from the premise that land and housing are issues best understood and best addressed from the ground up. The issue therefore is to ensure that work done on women’s land and housing rights is done from the ground up, and not vice versa. As such, the WLLA first and foremost works with grassroots groups throughout Africa.

However, the WLLA Initiative is designed with the knowledge that all have an important role to play in the struggle for women’s land and housing. While priorities and strategies must be developed from the ground up, it is also clear that these should not and cannot work in isolation. Rather, other stakeholders, NGO’s and agencies, professional organizations such as planners and architects, land alliances, governments, donors and others all play a role in positively influencing women’s land and housing rights in Africa. As such, the WLLA Initiative also seeks to link in and together such groups, to the grassroots and to each other.

The WLLA Initiative supports linking and partnership. For the last three years, it has been working with and through a variety of key partners.

These include, for example:

Maasai Women’s Development Organization, Tanzania

GROOTS Kenya, Kenya

Rwanda Women’s Network, Rwanda

Rural Women’s Movement, South Africa

Ghana Federation of the Urban Poor, Ghana

Grassroots Sisterhood Foundation, Ghana

Ntankah Village, Cameroon

Zimbabwe Widows and Orphans Trust, Zimbabwe

Ntengwe for Development, Zimbabwe

Justice for Widows and Orphans Project, Zambia

UCOBAC, Uganda

Uganda Land Alliance

Kenya Land Alliance

FIDA Ghana

FIDA Kenya

REFDAF, Senegal