Linking Directory

Linking Directory > Overview

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    Choose Organizational Type(s) for Algeria


      Choose Focus Area(s) for Algeria


        Choose Activities for Algeria



          The WLLA LINKING DIRECTORY is a comprehensive list of organizations – non- governmental, community based, government and network groups – working on women’s land and housing rights, or issues that affect women’s housing and land rights, throughout the African region, and in some instances, beyond.

          The Directory has been established to create an easy reference for those groups who would like to link with one another on these issues, and is designed to make it easy to find an organization by country, by activities and by focus area of work. Additionally, a search is possible by organization type (Nongovernmental organization, community based organization, governmental organization and network).

          Organizations listed in this Directory either already had their information public in some manner (on a website, through brochures etc) or were contacted individually to ensure that permission would be granted to highlight their information. As such, it is important to note that not all organizations provided or were able to provide all relevant details, in particular, details on focus areas and activities.